Phelamanga has been appointed to assist with the Public Participation activities linked to the Basic Assessment (BA) and Water Use Licence (WUL) applications for the proposed Babanango Travelers Camp, Adjacent to the White Mfolozi River, Ulundi Local Municipality, Zululand District, KwaZulu-Natal in the Babanango Valley in Norther Kwa-Zulu Natal on behalf of Emcakweni Community Trust (the Applicant) in the Babanango Valley in the Ulundi Local Municipality. 

The site is located on the farm Doornhoek 391 to the North of the White Mfolozi River. The site is accessed from the R34 National Road in the North, via a gravel road through the farm Jordaan 3-656 and 5-656 on which the current Zulu Rock Lodge is located, Bloemhof 34 and Lulu No:722. The farm Lulu No:722 is included within the Babanango Game Reserve boundary of March 2019 and is located North of the White Mfolozi River which forms the Northern boundary of the proposed tented camp site. 

The Environmental Authorisation for application DC26/0005/2020 has been granted ref KZN/EIA/0001386/2020 on 06 January 2021 and an appeal period is provided for. An appellant must comply with regulation 4(2), take the requirments of Annexure 3 of Governent Notice No. R 650 (dated 05 June 2020) into account and submit the appeal in writing, on the form obtainable from the Appeal Administrtaion and by post, fax, email or hand delivery to the following address:

Att: Haresh Inderlall

Private Bag X9152





Room 218.23, 2nd Floor

270 Jabu Ndlovu Street



The appeal period is 20 days from receipt of the notice of the decision, the timeframes have been extended by an additional 21 days during Alert level 3 of the COVID-19 lockdown period of the national state of disaster. Therefore the appeal closing date would be 17 March 2021.

For reference the Environmental Authorisation KZN/EIA/0001386/2020 is provided at the link below, should you require any further information please contact us.

Environmental_Authorisation_for_the_Development_of_Babanangu_Travellers_Camp.pdf (1 234 KB)

Architects Impression