*Useful NOTICE*
Phelamanga has recived notice of the KZN Public Launch sites as Gazetted and this is available to interetested stakeholders at the followng link:
Gazette_Notice_Public_Launch_Sites_KZN_2021.pdf (104 KB)
In 2017 Phelamanga supported the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) to provide public meetings and an opportunity for I&APs to access and engage with the proposed Draft Provincial Coastal Management Programme (PCMP) for KwaZulu-Natal (KZN).
On 9 June 2020 we received notice that the Honorable MEC had published by notice in the Provincial Gazette (PN 48 of 2020) the notice of the adoption of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Coastal Management Programme (CMP).
A summary is available here: KZN_CMP_Summary_FINAL.pdf (please note the file is 1.84MB)
Alternatively you can access the full 75 page document at the following link: http://www.coastkzn.co.za/governance/coastal-management-programmes/provincial-cmp/
Our coastal environments are a rich and diverse asset, providing valuable economic, social and ecological opportunities. As such they need to be carefully managed in order to ensure long-term sustainability. South Africa, following global trends, developed and enacted the Integrated Coastal Management Act (24 of 2008) and its subsequent Amendment Act (36 of 2014), hereafter referred to as the ICM Act. The ICM Act contains a variety of tools to ensure that the coastal zone is managed co-operatively, of which the development of a Coastal Management Programme (CMP) is key.
The PCMP is a provincial policy directive for the management of the coast through an integrated, coordinated, uniform approach, and includes strategies and plans for the effective implementation of the ICM Act. The KZN PCMP currently in Draft Format will provide direction for coastal management in KZN over a five year period and sets out goals and objectives for the achievement of ICM in the Province.
Public meetings were held in Richards Bay, Ballito, Durban and Margate. The comment period closed on 30 June 2017
If you are interested in any of the documents and presentations please contact us on admin@phelamanga.co.za and we will send these through to you.
Please note
The workshop presentation is 6.15 MB
The full Draft KZN PCMP is 3.07MB
The BID in English is 1.26MB
The BID in isiZulu is 527KB