Phelamanga was appointed as the independent facilitator to assist Zanokhule Enivornmental Services and Tongaat Hulett with independent facilitation for the public meetings related to the application for postponement of compliance timeframes of the Minimum Emissions Standards (MES) in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (No. 39 of 2004); for four Tongaat Hulett Mills – Amatikulu, Darnall, Maidstone and Felixston. Zanokhule Environmental Services were the appointed specialists who prepared the AIR and submitted the application.

Public meetings were held for each mill, during the month of December as follows:

Amatikulu – 3 December 2018

Darnall – 6 December 2018

Maidstone – 11 December 2018

Felixston – 12 December 2018

The commenting period was through to 25 January 2019.

Thereafter the application was submitted to the National Air Quality Office for consideration. Once the reponse is recieved it will be sent out to all registered I&APs.

If you missed the public meeting and comment period but would like to access the documents or register to recieve the updates regarding this application please contact us at:

Please note each mill has the following presentations available:

Background presentation

Air Impact Report presentation

Technical Motivation presentation