Vopak Ethyl Acrylate Leak Incident

On 26 January 2020 there was a leak of Ethyl Acrylate, as a response to the incident Vopak called a public meeting to inform the community of what had occurred and the follow up actions to address the incident.

The meeting was held on 30 January 2020 at the Harlequins Sports Club on the Bluff. The meeting was attended by Vopak Senior Management, eThekwini Health Officials and Fire Department, community members and community organisation representatives.

Vopak presented to the community a timeline of the incident and a medical Doctor presented on the health symptoms that occur from the exposure to the odour. Presentation available at the following link: Final_Draft_200130.pdf

The outcome of the meeting was an agreement that there would be a focus group to meet with Vopak to. The goal of the focus group is to make sure Vopak can reach out to the communities in an effect way to give updates on the investigation, actions after the incident and for future communication if necessary. The focus group would consist of community representatives as agreed, and Vopak senior management. The focus group representatives would provide feedback to community.

Vopak provided an email point of contact for any community member to contact Vopak regarding any health issues they may have related to the incident

Please email: engage.vtd@vopak.com

[Note: We respectfully request that you do not distribute or share the project documents randomly. The context surrounding the presentations is as important as the presentations themselves. People who were not able to attend the meeting, or have never been, may not have either context or a holistic understanding of the material presented]