UPL Water Use Licence Forum
The UPL Water Use Licence (WUL) Forum is a platform for stakeholders to assist UPL in carrying out its legal mandate to report on its licence and ensure compliance. It is an opportunity for a collective approach in assisting UPL to meet and improve its WUL compliance actions; and to promote transparency and better-informed decision-making for the implementation of the WUL based on meaningful involvement of key parties.
The Agenda, minutes and any important notices relevant to the forum and the stakeholders may be accessed here.
Draft Agenda is available here: 241125 UPL WUL Forum Draft Agenda V1 (185 KB)
Minutes of our most recent meeting are available here: 241125 UPL WUL Forum_Minutes V2_2 (363 KB)
[Note: We respectfully request that you do not distribute or share the forum documents randomly. The context surrounding the presentations is as important as the presentations themselves. People who were not able to attend the meeting, or have never been, may not have either context or holistic understanding of the material presented.]