The Island View Community Forum is a platform for stakeholders to discuss issues, originating from the Island View / Cutler Complex, of interest to the immediate community around Island View. These issues may include odour complaints, transport or traffic matters, health related issues and emergency communication.

The aim is to pro-actively engage between the Community, Industry and the Municipality on issues affecting the Community.

The Agenda, minutes and any important notices relevant to the forum and the stakeholders may be accessed here.

The Agenda for the next meeting is available at the following link: 241111 Draft Agenda Island View Community Forum V1 (232 KB)

The Minutes of our most recent meeting are available here: 241111 Island View Forum Minute V1 (407 KB)

[Note: We respectfully request that you do not distribute or share the forum documents randomly. The context surrounding the presentations is as important as the presentations themselves. People who were not able to attend the meeting, or have never been, may not have either context or holistic understanding of the material presented.]


None currently


Cutler Complex Control Room: 031 826 0101

eThekwini Call Centre: 031 361 0000

SAPREF R-Tanks Environmental Complaince Officer: Envirocarb Consulting 

Manogrie Chetty 031 403 4972

In the event you are unable to access any of the aforementioned documents please contact: rose @ phelamanga . co . za